Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Charcoal Drawing as a medicine

As we all know,  a creative process , a spiritual path or life itself is not all roses...All those roads are bumpy. It's fun, interesting, fulfilling ..but bumpy and it's ok , that's the rule of the game, I suppose . To find an own, unique solution for blowing up those blocks and removing the obstacles.
The rationals  are all different for everybody of course , but there is a solution for solving those antics and removing the blocks  , and for me it's a  meditation, green juicing and taking slow little steps toward my easel ...I found that best alternative when I can't even touch my brushes or approach the easel is to fish out and  dust my drawing board and started to draw with charcoal....The more time I would mediate , the more time I could spent drawing - so the last two night I finally started to like what I do again, and today I'm ready for my paints....I think ...
So here are some images ...Thank you for viewing my art.
"Spirit of Your Flower"

"Marina" charcoal drawing

"Julia" charcoal drawing 

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