Monday, June 16, 2014

"Wet-on-wet" pleinair paintings

Yes, that's right, it's meant to be ironic. It's got as wet as can be. My workshop in La Conner is officially called " Brave Hearts of Art" For 3 days the weather gave us challenges and hardships, but we finished, had a few laughs about, and more then a few sweet paintings.
We had a great advantage because a bridge sheltered most of my students while they painted.
Although some of us did decide to fight the elements with umbrellas.
The best brand for us was a Shadebuddy - - and also a fishing umbrella.
Here are some photos from the workshop. 


The bridge simply was a life saver 


  1. Bonjour Emiliya,
    Quel plaisir de vous retrouver sur Blogger !
    J'aime tant votre art.
    Amitiés :)
