Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"Repairing ..repainting..revaluing...

Pulling out the big guns ..And totally repainting this baby ..some people ask me why I repainting or do facelifts to old pieces instead of making new ones.. Well .. I have one but simple answer - It's soo much FUN!!!
Not to mention it's much needed..The paintings I'm recovering are asking for it, screaming for those "facelifts" 

I'm much happy with this piece already...The values are up, the colors are higher , the key is higher...

Monday, September 14, 2015


Gosh..It feels good ...Don't believe that happiness is just a moment ...It can last for a longer period of time ..weeks and even months ..I'm at its pic ...I think
Creating and teaching to create is a very empowering activity ...I have a best and the most talented students..They also have tons of courage, something I didn't have myself back in an Art school .
And that courage is translating into their art! it's amazing to see the transformation, the growth, and artistic maturity, fearlessness ...
I started a portrait class a week ago . Needless to say, that some of my dear guys have never painted a portraits before, yet they jumped into it with confidence and courage..I can tell, we are going to learn a lot ..Together..As I learn so much from them ...
Here is the painting from my demo in the class . "Tammy" oil on birch , 16x20

"Tammy" oil on birch, 20x16

Sunday, September 6, 2015

"Sophie's World"

“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” 
― William Styron

"Sophie's World" oil on linen, 16x20


What is she contemplating? Life, destiny, event ..or it's just a moment of  stillness with no thoughts ? Does she pensive, sad or simply quiet? let's take a moment to feel it ...

"Pensive" oil on linen, 16x20 

"Endless Knot"

The "Endless Knot" is in everything, isn't it? In Life, in Love, in Art..
Nothing is beginning or ending ...Timeless moment is inevitable ...I experience it every day ...
Even now, working in my beloved studio, listening Joni Mitchell feeling so deeply connected with my little yet endless world ..World inside me ..When I moved in to this studio, I have no idea how much I would be affected by this atmosphere ...Positively reenergized, so productive and so at peace..Finding new friends and inspirations ....And here is a "Endless Knot" oil on linen, 24x18
This piece was accepted into juried  show of Puget Sound Group of Northwest Artists, where I hold a signature member status.
"Endless Knot" oil on linen, 18x24