Why do we paint portraits, knowing there is a zero chance to sell it ? The answer is simple - just exactly why we paint anything from life in ala prima ..It's the best creative practice and a great exercise to train your eye, wrist, understanding of anatomy, structure, values and colors ..If you are serious about your art making, if this is your carrier or just a passion - you need to paint from life!
Also ...a very great way to have more ideas, a way to experiment and have fun creating !
I've been doing it for decades , in fact I was portrait painting from life since I was 7/8 years old - I painted portraits of my family, friends and even my neighbors :) In those time I painted in watercolors and gouache. I still have some pieces, and frankly it was quite good :)
When a quantity became a quality , simple practice of portrait painting can (will) transform into magic. Suddenly just someone face became an ikon , an image of untenable, intangible emotion..We all should thrive to reach this level ..Here is my few last portraits, painted from life...